Nature News

Keep up to date here with the latest news about nature and the environment in Spain; and read tips and advice about walking in this country

Wolf protection remains in Spain

Wolf protection remains in Spain

The weakening of protection for the wolf at European level will not affect the Iberian wolf.The WWF says 'nothing will change in Spain'. A ruling by the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention entered into force today (March 7), downgrading the status of the grey...

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Measures to protect the plover

Measures to protect the plover

The population of the Kentish plover is in rapid decline in Spain, says SEO/BirdLife.They note that it 'faces a high risk of becoming extinct in the wild'. The principal threats for the small shorebird are the loss of habitat and intensive recreational use of beaches,...

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Walking terms (and conditions)

Walking terms (and conditions)

When out walking in Spain, or looking at a map, you will see words you know, ones you recognise, and others that are less familiar. Often there is more than one term given to a geographical feature or piece of infrastructure, which can lead to misunderstandings. And...

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