Canyon views at Alcalá del Júcar

Canyon views at Alcalá del Júcar

It is the dramatic position of Alcalá del Júcar which makes it such an intriguing place to visit. The River Júcar has cut a path through limestone rock, gouging out a wide snaking canyon; the old town stands on an outcrop, high above a meander.It was the Moors who...
Going wild about mountain flowers

Going wild about mountain flowers

Wildflowers provide extraordinary vistas on mountain slopes all over Spain, sparking a rainbow of colours on green hillsides in the spring.I am no botanist and struggle to name almost all of species which excite butterflies and naturalists in equal measure. However, I...
Breathless at Roland’s breach

Breathless at Roland’s breach

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.Mention of breaches often conjures up images of war and historical events, not least because of the immortal words of Shakespeare’s Henry V. And the one on the border between France and Spain is no exception....
Vistas of Valderrobres

Vistas of Valderrobres

Valderrobres is one of the most picturesque villages in Spain. On arrival – looking across the 15th century stone bridge – the castle and church on top of the hill grab the attention. But, between the river and fortifications, lies a hotchpotch of medieval streets...