Unravelling the mysteries of the Mediterranean’s fin whales
There is still much to learn about the fin whales which inhabit waters off the coast of Spain.It had been thought that these migratory cetaceans only spent part of their time in the Western Mediterranean but marine biologists now believe that some of the fin whales...
Iberia’s unique eagle expands its range
The Iberian imperial eagle is a majestic bird with a wingspan of around two metres.When hunting it glides over the countryside and drops like a stone when it detects prey out in the open.Fortunately, it is now possible to see this raptor in the skies in more areas of...
Bearded vultures bounce back
Nature’s clean-up crew; vultures do the dirty work of clearing up after death, helping to keep ecosystems healthy.This is how the Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF) refers to these scavengers, who play a crucial role in the environments in which they live. The...
Wolf watch
After centuries of persecution, the Iberian wolf population has been on the rise in recent times. However, campaigners fear much of the good work could be undone following a vote from the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention in December, 2024 to weaken protection...
For the love of the lynx
The release in recent days of Iberian lynxes bred in captivity has highlighted the recovery from the brink of extinction of this emblematic species. At the turn of the millennium there were less than 50 of these native cats left in Spain. But, in little over 20 years...
Hail the harriers
One of the best places to see harriers in the south east of Spain is in a protected area of Alicante province.Two types of the bird of prey can be seen in La Mata-Torrevieja natural park, which is based on the salt lakes of La Mata and Torrevieja.The western marsh...
Otters on the up
Around a decade ago the authorities confirmed that otters had returned to the River Segura in the south of Alicante province. Since then, this emblematic species has started to colonise nearby El Hondo natural park, which lies in the municipalities of Elche and...
Giants of the skies return
The largest European vulture, with a wingspan reaching three metres, is making a comeback.The cinereous vulture, also known as the Eurasian black vulture, underwent a dramatic decline in this continent, but thanks to the increase of the Spanish population the species...
Animals of the Pyrenees
This vast mountain chain, that includes two national parks and stretches from coast to coast, is a haven for all sorts of wildlife, as well as providing pasture for livestock. The high mountain areas near the passes and summits are home to the elusive chamois (rebeco...
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